The City Needs Your Input!

Community Engagement Opportunities
Posted on 02/14/2025

Zoning Rewrite

The City of Lynn is conducting a comprehensive rewrite of its citywide zoning ordinance. The draft zoning code is now available for public comment.

This code better aligns with Vision Lynn, increases the predictability of development, supports high-quality development projects, and preserves what is already working in our community.

How to Provide Comment

  • Feedback Form

To provide feedback about Lynn's proposed zoning ordinance, click here. This form will be open through March 23, 2025.

  • Office Hours

All office hour session are virtual.

Wed, Feb 26th - 12:00pm
Tues, Mar 4 - 5:00pm
In Spanish:
Tues, Mar 18 - 6:00pm

To register, click here.

City of Lynn Five Year Consolidated Plan

The City of Lynn, in collaboration with the Lynn Housing Authority & Neighborhood Development (LHAND) and the Citizens Advisory Board, is seeking community input to guide the priorities for the Five Year Consolidated Plan. The Consolidated Plan outlines priorities for the use of funds provided to the City for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME, Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG), and other programs.

The participation opportunities for residents include a community forum/public hearing and a community needs survey.

Attend a Community Forum/Public Hearing

Join us to learn more about the City’s Five-Year Consolidated Plan and Annual Action Plans, as well as share your input on community development, economic development, public services, and housing needs in the City over the next five years.

  • Virtual Community Forum (March 4th at 11:00AM) | Join via Zoom:
    Or dial 301-715-8592 and enter the Webinar ID: 954 9705 6300
  • Community Public Hearing (March 5th at 5:30PM) | Lynn Housing Authority & Neighborhood Development (10 Church Street)

Spanish interpretation will be available for both sessions.

Community Needs Survey

Share your input by completing the survey at

Please note that the survey is available in English and Spanish will be open from February 7th to March 7th.