Disability Commission

The purpose of the Disability Commission is to provide officials, employees and the public with assistance and guidance and to make recommendations to improve any issue within the City that may negatively impact people with disabilities.

The Lynn Disability Commission meets on the first Tuesday of every month at 5:00 PM in Room 106A, Lynn City Hall and is open to the public.

Commission Members 

Joseph Thornton                           Chairperson

Christopher Gaeta                     Vice Chairperson

Patricia Capano                            Clerk

Drew Russo                                      Title I ADA Coordinator

James Lamanna                            Title II ADA Coordinator

Francisco Acosta                    Member (Para Espanol 1-323-412-1234)

Roseline (Rosie) Conway            Member

Louisemaine Dominique            Member (Moun ki pale kreyol ka rele 978-335-0183)                       

Megan Gonzalez                            Member

Tracie Lindsey                                Member

Richelle Waterman-Williams      Member 

The Mayor has designated Personnel Director Drew Russo and Assistant City Solicitor James Lamanna to serve as Title I and Title II Coordinators of the city’s compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

As Title I ADA Coordinator, Director Russo field accessibility requests and concerns from municipal employees. As Title II ADA Coordinator, Attorney Lamanna field accessibility requests and concerns from the general public.

Public Notice

Non-Discrimination Based on Disability

The City of Lynn advises its employees, applicants, and the public that it does not discriminate based on a person's disability in employment or access to its programs, services, and activities and may provide auxiliary aids and services, written material in alternative formats and reasonable modifications in policies and procedures to qualified individuals with disabilities.

The Mayor has appointed the Personnel Director to coordinate efforts to comply with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act and various other federal and state laws protecting the rights of people with disabilities.

Inquiries, requests, and complaints should be directed to:

For the General Public:

James Lamanna (Title II ADA Coordinator/City Attorney)

Lynn City Hall, Room 406

3 City Hall Square, Lynn, MA 01901

Phone: (781) 586-6842

Email: [email protected]

ADA Lynn Complaint Form General Public

For Municipal Employees:

Drew Russo (Title I ADA Coordinator/Personnel Director)

Lynn City Hall, Room 307

3 City Hall Square, Lynn, MA 01901

Phone: (781) 586-6884

Email: [email protected]

ADA Lynn Complaint Form Municipal Employees

Documents and Forms