Conservation Commission

The Lynn Conservation Commission (LCC) is responsible for administering the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act (M.G.L. Chapter 131, Section 40) and LCC Wetlands Protection By-Laws to protect the wetlands, related water resources (brooks, streams, ponds, rivers, etc.) and adjoining land areas in Lynn by regulating or prohibiting activities deemed by the LCC to have a significant or cumulative effect upon proposed work that may alter the wetlands.

Meetings are scheduled for the third Tuesday of each month at 6:30 PM in Room 102A. The meeting schedule and agenda, when available, is displayed in the City Clerk office and webpage as well as our Online Calendar.

Please select an item from the left hand menu to view information and download links to available files and forms.

NOTICE TO ABUTTERS: Please Download This Notice To Abutters
Posted September 2021


Contact or Secretary



Jamie Cerulli

(781) 586-6827

[email protected]


Regular Members



Brenda Murcia

82 Clark St

[email protected]

Mary Lester

South Hamilton, MA

[email protected]

Michael Toomey

93 Judge Road

[email protected]

Joselyn Yrata-Mart

67 Marion Street

[email protected]

Danielle Charles

 25 Houston Place

[email protected]

Daniel Silverman

35 Central Sq Unit 402

[email protected]


Documents From Download (PDF)

Notice To Abutters

Lynn Wetlands Protection By-Laws

Conservation Commision RFD | Filing Guidelin