Parking Department

Be on the LOOK OUT  Spring Citywide Street Sweeping will begin April 14th a full schedule will be posted via DPW soon

Street Sweeping Notice 2025: Starting Monday March 3rd 2025 Street Sweeping will resume in the downtown area Monday-Thursday. All areas that have posted street sweeping signs will need to be observed, violators will be ticketed and towed. Friday street sweeping will resume after April 1st 2025.

The Parking Department is responsible for the collection of fines relative to citations for Parking Tickets, Abandoned Vehicles, 40U, Noise, Litter, Smoking, Fire Department and Animal Control citations. The Department is authorized to initiate appropriate collection actions for violations not paid when due, including non-renewal of driver's license and registration, criminal complaint and tax liens. Other responsibilities include issuance of resident parking permits and management of the City's public parking lots.

For more information, click here.

Complaints / Concerns 

Phone - 781-586-6868

Email - [email protected]


Parking Director

Jessica Chiappini
[email protected]
Lynn City Hall, Room 102 


Downtown Lynn Parking Strategy Study

The City of Lynn is developing a Downtown Lynn Parking Strategy, a priority action stemming from the Vision Lynn planning process. Parking plays an essential role in supporting Downtown Lynn’s economy and vitality. With many recent and upcoming changes expected in Downtown Lynn, a comprehensive evaluation of the existing parking system will provide the tools to ensure it continues to be a vibrant and inclusive place for all.

The strategy will be consistent with principles of Vision Lynn, which identifies downtown Lynn as an Enhance District – it is an important activity area for the city and we should support its evolution without drastically changing its character as a place. Downtown Lynn is the primary hub for the community’s civic uses, employment, housing, and cultural activity, and this parking study will ensure that our parking spaces, policies, and spaces will support, and not be a barrier to, living, working, and visiting the downtown.

To learn more, click here.

Street Sweeping

The Fall Street Sweeping Program resumes in all neighborhoods this month, beginning Monday, November 25th (7am-3pm) in Ward 7.

The schedule for street sweeping can be found here.

There is also a street sweeping calendar that projects the street sweeping locations over the following 4 weeks. There will likely be changes due to weather and equipment availability. The schedule on the website will be updated with any changes.

Permitting Update

Beginning JANUARY 1st 2024, the City of Lynn is transitioning to an online permitting system for both resident parking and municipal lot parking.

The link to the permit portal will be provided below as well as following the URL listed on the flyers below.

Winter & Parking Ban Guide

Winter and Parking Ban Guide


Transportation Vehicle Ordinance 

transportation ordinance

Bilingual Signage

Bilingual signs have been posted on the multi-space kiosks around the City!






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