Wildfire Smoke Event

October 29, 2024

Message from The Massachusetts Department of Public Health
Bureau of Climate and Environmental Health
Wildfire Smoke Events

"This alert message serves to inform you of an ongoing wildfire smoke event affecting eastern Massachusetts. Wildfire smoke has permeated large portions of the region, including the Boston metro area. Reports confirm multiple fires, with the largest encompassing over 100 acres in Salem, MA. Smoke from these and other fires throughout the state has led to degraded air quality, prompting concerns for the health of residents, particularly those at increased risk.
The Massachusetts Department of Public Health has compiled a range of resources designed to help residents, patients and health professionals navigate the health risks associated with wildfire smoke. All resources are included in the PDF attached to the alert message. We encourage you to share these resources and educate residents on protective measures.
Climate Fact Sheet: Wildfire Smoke (available in 15 languages) – This resource explains who is at higher risk during a wildfire smoke event, including young children, older adults, individuals with respiratory conditions, and others with heightened vulnerability, and provides things people can do to stay safe such as talking with their provider about asthma medications, moving outdoor activities indoors, and having a supply of N95 masks available as needed.
Climate fact sheet: wildfire smoke events | mass.gov
Climate Fact Sheet: Poor Outdoor Air Quality (available in 15 languages) – This resource explains who is at higher risk to poor outdoor air quality including people with asthma, lung, or heart conditions, and provides steps people can take to stay safe such as staying informed about local air quality and reducing outdoor activities on high-pollution days.
Climate fact sheet: poor outdoor air quality | mass.gov "

Find air quality data and learn about long-term trends by accessing MassAir
Online, Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection's (MassDEP) air
quality tracking system, for daily air quality updates and forecasts to MassDEP
measures outdoor air quality at more than 20 monitoring stations across the state.
There is a forecast for ozone (smog) from April to October each day, as well as a
forecast for fine particle pollution all year. MassDEP also issues open burning
advisories from January to May. Use the site or call (800) 882-1497 to learn about
the air quality in your community.

MassAir Online

PDF Resources from MDPHWildfire Smoke Event Resources