Winter Weather Preparedness
Keep yourself and your family prepared this winter season by being Winter Ready. View our resources below for more information.

CDC: Avoid, Spot, and Treat Frostbite
Eat Safe Food after a Power Outage - English
Eat Safe Food After a Power Outage - Spanish
Department of Fire Services: Keep Warm, Keep Safe: When Heating Your Home This Winter - ENGLISH
Department of Fire Services: Keep Warm, Keep Safe: When Heating Your Home This Winter - SPANISH
Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency: Suggested Emergency Kit Checklist
Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency: Winter Emergency Car Kit Checklist
Indoor Safety During and After Winter Storms
Power Outages Safety Tips
Extreme Cold Preparedness
Extreme cold is generally defined as a prolonged period of excessively cold weather. Extreme cold conditions are often, but not always, part of winter storms.
What you can do during extreme cold weather:
- Continue to check the media for emergency information.
- Follow instructions from public safety officials.
- Reduce outdoor activities for the whole family, including pets.
- Dress in several layers of loose-fitting, lightweight clothing instead of a single heavy layer. - - Outer garments should be tightly woven and water repellent. Wear a hat, mittens (not gloves), and sturdy waterproof boots to protect your arms, legs, hands and feet. Cover your mouth with a scarf to protect your lungs.
- Follow recommended safety precautions when using space heaters, a fireplace, or a woodstove to heat your home. Keep a fire extinguisher handy.
- Make sure emergency generators or secondary heating systems are well ventilated.
If you lose heating, move into a single room. At night, cover windows and external doors with extra blankets or sheets.
- Wrap pipes in insulation or layers of newspapers covered in plastic to prevent them from freezing. Let a trickle of warm water run from a faucet to keep water moving through your pipes.
- If your pipes freeze, open all faucets all the way, remove any insulation, and heat the frozen pipe with a hair dryer or wrap with towels soaked in hot water. Never use an open flame to thaw pipes.
- Check with your local authorities or Call 2-1-1 to find warming centers or shelters near you.
- In the event of a power outage, you may need to take extra precautions or go to an emergency shelter to stay warm.
- Know the symptoms of and watch out for cold-related illnesses. Call 9-1-1 to report emergencies.
- Be a good neighbor. Check on family, friends, and neighbors, especially the elderly, those who live alone, those with medical conditions, and those who may need extra help.
What to look for in cold-related illnesses
Extreme cold can cause cold-related illness, including:
Frostbite is the freezing of the skin and body tissue.
Symptoms — Loss of feeling and white or pale appearance in extremities, such as fingers, toes, earlobes, face, and the tip of the nose.
Treatment — Get the victim into a warm location. Cover exposed skin, but do not rub the affected area. Seek medical attention immediately.
Hypothermia is abnormally low body temperature and is life-threatening.
Symptoms — Shivering, exhaustion, confusion, memory loss, and slurred speech.
Treatment — If symptoms of hypothermia are detected take the person’s temperature. If it is below 95°, seek medical attention immediately. Get the victim to a warm location. Remove wet clothing. Warm the center of the body first by wrapping the person in blankets or putting on dry clothing. Give them warm, non-alcoholic beverages if the person is conscious.
For more information and tips on extreme cold weather, please click here.
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA): Individual Community Preparedness
This year resolve to be prepared, here are some resolutions that we can all make to be better prepared.
• Make an emergency plan: choose a safe place to meet, learn evacuation routes, and establish an out-of-town contact.
• If you have a pet, make sure you have a photo of you and your pet together in case you get separated during a disaster.
• Get to know your neighbor and invite them to be a part of your emergency plan.
• Snap photos of important documents and save them in a secure place or online.
• Set up group text lists so you can communicate with friends and family during emergencies.
• Take a class in CPR and first aid.
• Keep and update emergency supplies; remember to include cash.
• Have back-up power sources available to charge devices in case of a power outage.
• Snap pictures of your property for insurance purposes.
• Check your insurance for coverage on disasters like floods, hurricanes, and earthquakes.
• Sign up for alerts and warnings. Download the FEMA App to get real-time alerts, safety tips, and locate open shelters.
• Remember, you don't need to spend money to start disaster preparedness planning, Visit the low and no cost tips page on for additional information on how to get started.
During this winter season, be prepared for ALL potential winter risks and issues that may happen. From preventing house heating fires, preparing for outages, or even winter travel, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has launched a #WinterReady campaign to provide resources on what to do and how to prepare for such emergencies. Please visit the link below for more information and resources:
FEMA: #WinterReady
Fuel Assistance
LEO Fuel Flyer 24-25 Season ENGLISH
LEO Fuel Flyer 24-25 Season SPANISH