Community Gardens

Community gardens are cultivated and maintained spaces where residents grow fresh, healthy produce. The City of Lynn encourages residents and organizations to establish, manage, and maintain their own community garden sites on City-owned parks.


Community Garden Locations

Lynn has three community gardens located in City parks. Any resident of Lynn may apply to join one of these three gardens:

  • Cook Street Park Community Garden (54 garden beds): Located at approximately 58 Cook Street
  • Ames Playground Community Garden (33 garden beds): Located at approximately 30 Strawberry Ave.
  • Warren Park Community Garden (20 garden beds): Located at approximately 57 Warren Street.

Applications and fees to join a community garden should be mailed or submitted in person to Department of Public Works.


How to Start a Community Garden

Residents are encouraged to either join an existing garden or start a new community garden in a Lynn park. 

  1. Read the Community Garden Manual
  2. View the Garden Checklist
  3. Submit the Gardener Application

Applications are accepted year-round. Each garden is managed by one or more volunteer community garden coordinators who assign plots, help solve problems within the garden, and provide information and advice to those who want it. Gardeners are charged a nominal annual fee and asked to sign a letter of agreement recognizing the City's rights and the gardener's responsibilities.