Public Records Request

The Massachusetts Public Records Law provides a means for access to public documents and other information. This right of access requires that the City produce copies of records, allow for inspection of the records, or notification of a denial within ten (10) business days of the request in the absence of an extension.

You may request the documents that you are looking for directly from the Department that holds them, or contact Assistant City Solicitor James Lamanna, Lynn's Records Access Officer, to assist in obtaining the documents. You can submit your request via e-mail or mail.


Submit your request via e-mail to [email protected]


To submit your request via mail please send the completed form to:

James P. Lamanna, Esq.
City Solicitor 's Office
Lynn City Hall
Lynn, MA 01901

When making your request, please remember:

  • Be as specific as possible about the documents you are seeking

  • Give a start date and end date for your search

  • All responses will be electronic unless other arrangements are made

  • The City may charge a reasonable fee in some cases