Lead Abatement

Lead Paint Abatement Program

Under state and federal law, property owners must provide prospective tenants with two copies of the Tenant Lead Law Notification (En Espanol), even if no child under 6 will reside in the dwelling, as well as a copy of the most recent lead inspection/risk assessment report and a copy of any Letter of Compliance or Interim Control (if one exists). Failure to comply may result in civil penalty under Massachusetts law, as well as civil or criminal penalties under federal law.

The Lynn Lead Abatement Program provides financial assistance for lead paint abatement for low and moderate income individuals in order to create decent, safe and affordable housing for all Lynn residents. Eligible properties may receive a one-time grant of up to $8,000 per unit, as well as initial and final inspections, as well as relocation assistance if necessary. Both owner- and tenant-occupied units are eligible for assistance. While tenants are not directly eligible, investor-owners eligibility is based upon tenant income levels.

For more information contact the Lynn Housing Authority and Neighborhood Development (LHAND) at 10 Church Street, Lynn or call (781) 581-8600.