Summer Resources

June 24, 2024
Heat-Related Illnesses

Heat Stroke happens when you cannot regulate your body temperature. Your body temperature will rise quickly, your sweating response will fail, and your body will not be able to cool itself.  When this happens, your body temperature can rise to 103° F or higher within 10-15 minutes,  and if treatment isn't initiated, it can result in permanent disability or even death. 

Know the signs and symptoms of heat-related illness and some tips to help prevent them:
Heat-Related Illness: Signs, Symptoms, and Prevention

June 17, 2024 - Heat Advisory

With the upcoming heat advisory, stay cool and informed in the hot weather by following these tips:

• Limit the amount of time you spend in the sun and stay indoors if you can.
• Stay hydrated! 
• Try to stay in an air-conditioned space when you can and do not rely on fans as a primary cooling device. Fans create an air flow and false sense of comfort, but does not reduce your bodies temperature or prevent heat-related illnesses.
• Cover windows with drapes or shades.
• Always check your car for children and pets. Heat can rise up 20 degrees in a car in just 10 minutes. 
• Take cool showers or baths.
• Check in on your loved one and those at higher risk for heat-related illnesses. 

For more information, visit: